How we can Work Together to Overcome Covid-19

We have learned about the coronavirus, and we know the precautions to take to stay safe:

  1. Wash your hands and wipe down surfaces.

  2. Avoid crowds and enclosed spaces to minimize exposure.

  3. Find ways to manage stress and decrease anxiety.

  4. Get some sunshine and fresh air.

  5. Support your immune system with wholesome nutrition.

Now, what do we do? How do we behave with all of this news?

The pandemic has instilled fear in us, and this fear is causing us to go out to the stores and gather what we think is necessary to survive. We are all trying to look out for ourselves. Please let us be considerate of others that might not have enough for tomorrow. Let's be mindful of the fact that we are all going through this together. 

Even though we are encouraged to maintain social distance from one another, it doesn't mean that we have to be isolated from each other. There are many ways to show solidarity and compassion.  We can use technology to call or video chat with family and friends. We can also check up on the elderly, the most vulnerable in this worldwide pandemic. Ask them how they are doing? What do they need? We can offer to share some of our food or supplies or pick something up for them. When we are united, we are much more enduring.

Be considerate of your fellow human beings and help them out if you can.  Let's show our children a positive example of how we can come together as a community to support each other. Being united doesn't mean we have to get together in crowded areas, but if it's a beautiful day, we can go outside. We can take a break from the news and soak up some sunshine.

Let's remember that we are all in this together. We can accomplish so much more as a unified community than we can as individuals. Stay healthy. Use technology to check up on each other and offer support. Keep informed and follow local government regulations, and, most importantly, keep smiling!