Equilibrium Reset Program

Our practitioners have traveled the world to learn traditional healing methods to increase vitality and maximize health and wellbeing. Work with us and learn techniques to let go of stress and tension, increase your energy field, and elevate your level of consciousness.

Goals of the Equilibrium Reset Program:

-Regain your sense of balance and feel more grounded

-Get in touch with your true self

-Let go of stress, tension, and anxiety

-Feel a sense of peace with yourself and your surroundings

-Find the value in yourself

-Become aware of what is restricting you and holding you back from reaching a state of wellness

-Find a focus and a purpose; a way to add value to the world

Who will benefit from the Equilibrium Rest:

-Anyone who wants to have an optimal life

-Anyone who feels stressed, overwhelmed, or ungrounded

We use the following modalities:

Acupuncture Sound Vibrational Healing

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to maintain health and vitality. It is a profound way to de-stress, release anxiety, and shift the nervous system to the parasympathetic mode, which allows the body to rest and relax. Since ancient times, sound has also been a powerful healing agent for the body, mind, and spirit. Acupuncture Sound Vibrational Healing combines the healing power of sound with acupuncture to release anxiety, remove energetic blocks, and increase vitality. This powerful combination of healing sound and acupuncture can balance and shift the body's energy system—including the chakras and meridians—to bring about profound, positive transformations in our well-being.

Energy Cultivation (Qigong) Frequency Reset

Learn and practice an ancient form of Energy Cultivation called Qigong—a moving meditation that combines breathing with simple body movements to relax and recharge the body. We will also learn the emotions and frequencies associated with the different levels of consciousness. By combining Qigong with the Map of Consciousness, we will learn how to navigate our emotions, move up to a higher level of vibration, and live in a way where we can maintain this higher state of being.


This easy-to-learn Pranayama Breathwork is a powerful technique to relax the mind, open up, and clear stagnant energy. As you do the breathwork, you increase your oxygen intake and bring in more life force energy. The oxygen makes its way to the brain and stimulates the hypothalamus to release endorphins. These endorphins allow the mind and body to relax. The breath allows a person to feel their energy and open up. The more a person feels their energy, the faster they can release their blocks and heal.


The devastating effects of stress, tension and trauma can be held deep within our bodies long after the events or situations that triggered these phenomena have passed. TRE (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) offers a natural, innovative way to help the body release deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. It is a simple series of exercises that safely activates the body’s neurogenic tremor response—a natural reflex mechanism of bodily vibrating or shaking—to calm down the nervous system and encourage the body to return to a state of balance.